
Gabby’s Refreshing ENERGY DRINK Recipe with Special Ingredients!

Gabby is an “athletic blogger” from Richmond, Virginia, who makes her own electrolyte energy drinks. One of her easy-to-make and inexpensive favorites is this homemade drink that uses ginger water as its base. She has discovered that the tangy spice in this drink calms her stomach after a long, tough workout. In addition, the ginger helps to reduce muscle pain and soreness.

The recipe for her ginger sports drink calls for:

Lemons (the juice of 3 small lemons):  Lemons are not only detoxifying to the liver but also provide a great hit of potassium – an essential electrolyte- and has lots of other benefits.

Sea Salt (1/2 tsp, or a bit more):  Salt is essential for electrolyte balance.  I tend to be a super salty sweater and crave salt after a difficult workout so I made sure to include enough salt in my drink.

Ginger Water (made from boiling a medium-sized ginger root, sliced, in 1 liter of water; simmer for 15 minutes and let cool): Ginger is delicious, helps ease stomach problems, and may even help with muscle soreness and recovery.

Add liquid stevia to taste and store in airtight container, pitcher, or jar in the fridge.

Source: Gabby

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