
Tag: lemon

5 Reasons to Drink Lemon Water in the Morning

Marta explains that there are at least 5 good reasons to drink lemon water as soon as you wake up in the morning, and before you eat any breakfast. To start, juice half a lemon and mix with either hot or cold water. Drinking this will alkalize your body and balance your pH level. This will kick-start your digestive system and provide a natural energy boost. … Continue reading5 Reasons to Drink Lemon Water in the Morning

Try Jackie’s Winning SPORTS DRINK Recipe to Keep Electrolytes in Balance …

This winning sports drink recipe was developed by an accomplished Registered Dietitian Nutritionist with an impressive athletic career, and also the winner of several marathons: Jackie Dikos.
She knows, from her own personal experience, what works best to get a healthy boost of energy when you need it. … Continue readingTry Jackie’s Winning SPORTS DRINK Recipe to Keep Electrolytes in Balance …

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