
The Ultimate CHOCOLATE BROWNIE Recipe (Video)

Calling all Chocolate Brownie lovers! In this video Saskia (“Sassy”) shows how to make healthy brownies that are completely vegan, sugar free, gluten free & wheat free.

These yummy brownies are full of health-promoting ingredients, without the unhealthy sugar found in traditional brownies. They taste the same as traditional brownies, but they’re different because they are careful crafted from a mixture of pecan butter, brown rice flower, raw cacao powder, medjool dates, maple syrup and coconut oil.

Sassy’s brownies are full of plant protein, skin loving omega-3’s, Vitamin E and antioxidants.

Here are the ingredients you’ll need:

1 cup pecan butter (or blend 2 cups of pecans in a food processor)

1.5 cup medjool dates

1/4 cup chia seeds (4 tbsp)

3/4 cup water

1/2 cup brown rice/oat/almond milk

1/3 cup coconut oil (or olive oil)

1 cup brown rice flour

1/2 – 3/4 cup cacao powder

1/2 cup maple syrup

1 tsp baking powder

Optional: 3 tablespoons of bee pollen and a heaped tablespoon of Lucuma Powder

Here are the steps you’ll need to follow to make these Ultimate Vegan Brownies:

  1. Pre-heat the oven to 175°C.

  2. In a bowl combine the chia seeds and the water and also leave for 15 minutes

  3. In a blender put the melted coconut oil, medjool dates, pecan butter, almond/rice milk, maple syrup and blend until smooth, don’t worry if its not 100% smooth, a few little pieces of dates adds the texture!

  4. In a bowl combine the baking powder, brown rice flour, salt and cacao powder.

  5. Pour the mixture out of the blender and combine with the flour, salt, baking powder and cacao and add the soaked chia seeds.

  6. Put into a lined tray about 2 inches thick is ideal, and put into the preheated oven for around 35 minutes. Or until you can insert a knife into it and it comes out clean.

  7. Take out the oven and leave to cool. Cut into squares and serve!


Watch how Sassy makes these super-healthy Ultimate Vegan Brownies:

Source: Saskia Gregson-Williams

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