
Avoid These Typical MISTAKES When Following a LOW-CARB DIET!

When following a Low-Carb Diet, you also need to avoid these 3 common mistakes if you want to see results:

2) Getting into a Rut


There are people who eat the same things day after day, and like it that way. But frankly, most of us like variety, and will get bored very quickly if that is not built into the way we eat. There is no reason for not eating a wide variety of foods, and in fact, a varied diet is likely to be better for us nutritionally. Every cuisine on the planet has low-carb options – you just need to skip the starch and sugar. Also, most dishes can be “de-carbed.”

3) Problem Ingredients in “Low-Carb” Packaged Foods


Be wary of meal replacement bars, ice cream, and other “treats” labeled low-carb or sugar-free. They often contain ingredients such as maltitol (the worst offender) which are just as bad as sugar in a lot of bodies. In general, products that talk about their “net carbs” or “impact carbs” deserve close scrutiny of the ingredients, and careful experimentation.


4) No Exercise


There is a temptation to leave exercise out when talking about low-carb diets, because often people can be successful at first while staying sedentary. However, there are several reasons for talking about exercise in any diet discussion (Atkins called it “non-negotiable”). One is that exercise lowers insulin resistance – this is probably partly why exercise alone will tend to help many people lose a few pounds. The second is that exercise is good for our bodies in so many ways. And the third is that while we can lose weight by diet alone, at least to some extent, we are very unlikely to be able to maintain a significant weight loss without exercise.

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Image: Fitomorph

Source: Laura Dolson

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