
Avoid These Typical MISTAKES When Following a LOW-CARB DIET!

An effective strategy to increase your energy levelfeel great, concentrate better and lose excess weight is following a Low-Carb Diet. This also means:

You’re no longer hungry between meals!

You shouldn’t need to count calories on a low-carb diet since low-carb eating curbs your appetite. This means that you can eat fewer calories without getting hungry.

Some people make the mistake, though, of thinking they can just keep eating and eating and still lose weight as long as the food is low-carb. Let your appetite be your guide – eat when you are hungry, and stop when you are comfortable.

Five other important caveats and common roadblocks on the way to achieving your goals with a low-carb diet were covered in a previous article: Avoiding the Carb Creep (and other “Demons”).

Here are four additional obstacles that you need to be aware of:

1) Lack of Planning


When you are first on a new way of eating, you’ll run into old habits that need to be changed to new healthier ones. No longer can you mindlessly hit the vending machine or drive-thru. This is a good thing: Pausing to re-consider our habits is a constructive step towards making improvements in our lives. But in the case of eating, it’s important to plan ahead for awhile, until our new habits come naturally. Nothing will sabotage your goals more quickly than realizing that you’re hungry but you don’t know what to eat.

Three more potential obstacles to avoid are described on the next page …

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