
I Love to Nibble on These HOMEMADE Super-Delicious (and Super-Healthy) “KALE CHIPS”

Making this recipe was a challenge: how to make something that’s really delicious using healthy kale. This recipe from Emily now proves that using kale is a perfect way to make healthy, delicious snacks for a party or just a quick snack sitting on the kitchen counter. They’re surprisingly crispy and addictive, and can be seasoned with any flavors you like such as garlic powder or chipotle chili powder.

The simple mixture of nutrient-rich kale, olive oil with their heart-healthy monounsaturated fats and sea salt turns into a crispy delight that gives regular old potato chips a run for their money.

It turns out, that tough, bitter tasting kale takes on an airy crispiness as well as a mellow flavor when it’s roasted with just a bit of olive oil and salt.

The ingredients for approximately 6 servings (58 calories per serving):

12 ounces kale

1 1/2 tablespoons olive oil

sea salt, to taste

Here are the preparation instructions to make these Healthy Kale Chips:

1. Preheat oven to 300 °F.

2. Line baking sheet with parchment paper and set aside.

3. Remove ribs and tough stems from kale and cut into 1 1/2 inch pieces.

4. Place kale in a large bowl and toss with olive oil.

5. Spread kale in a single layer on prepared baking sheet, taking care not to overcrowd the kale. You may need to use two baking sheets or bake the chips in two batches.

6. Sprinkle kale with sea salt and seasonings (if using).

7. Bake kale for 22-25 minutes or until crispy, flipping chips halfway through. Watch kale closely during the last several minutes of cooking. If smaller pieces are cooking faster, remove them from the sheet to avoid burning.

8. Allow chips to cool on baking sheet.

9. These kale chips are best served within a couple of hours. If storing for longer, cover chips loosely to avoid the chips getting soggy.

Source: Emily Caruso

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