
Category: Sports Nutrition

Try Jackie’s Winning SPORTS DRINK Recipe to Keep Electrolytes in Balance …

This winning sports drink recipe was developed by an accomplished Registered Dietitian Nutritionist with an impressive athletic career, and also the winner of several marathons: Jackie Dikos.
She knows, from her own personal experience, what works best to get a healthy boost of energy when you need it. … Continue readingTry Jackie’s Winning SPORTS DRINK Recipe to Keep Electrolytes in Balance …

Easy-to-Make Chocolaty Protein Bars

Each one of these delicious snack bars is loaded with 6 grams of protein, along with chocolate and peanut butter — a lot healthier and more nutritious than the store-bought alternatives. A couple of tips to start with: get some oat flour at the grocery story if you don’t want to bother with the food processor. And vegans can substitute maple syrup for honey, and replace the whey protein powder with a plant-based variety. … Continue readingEasy-to-Make Chocolaty Protein Bars

Here are the “Top 5” foods that top models and fitness pro’s eat to maintain perfect bodies!

Here are the “Top 5” foods that top models and fitness pro’s typically include in their diets to maintain perfect bodies, all year ’round! These same foods will undoubtedly help you maintain a tight and toned physique … provided that you also engage in regular exercising (3-5 times per week), eliminating alcohol from your diet, and keeping food portions to a minimum. … Continue readingHere are the “Top 5” foods that top models and fitness pro’s eat to maintain perfect bodies!

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