

Here are more of the Best Breakfast Foods identified by Erica Giovinazzo, MS, RD, a nutritionist at Clay Health Club and Spa, in New York City … to add to the previous 5 FAVORITE FOODS for a Healthy Breakfast that she highlighted along with expert tips for making them even healthier.

The first important message is to never skip eating a healthy breakfast:

The next time you rush out the door in the morning without something to eat, consider this: Skipping breakfast can set you up for overeating later in the day. A healthy a.m. meal, on the other hand, can give you energy, satisfy your appetite, and set the stage for smart decisions all day long.

“You want to aim for a breakfast that combines good carbs and fiber with some protein,” says Giovinazzo … Luckily, your options are plenty.

Here’s the first breakfast favorite and some helpful preparation tips:

1. Almond Butter

Don’t eat eggs or dairy? Almond butter is an excellent alternate source of protein, and it’s filled with monounsaturated fat (one of the good fats). Plus, as Giovinazzo points out, “it’s really delicious spread on whole grain bread or paired with a banana or an apple.”

Nutritionally, almond butter is comparable to peanut butter, and they each have about 100 calories per tablespoon. Almond butter contains slightly less saturated fat, though—a definite point in its favor, even for people who aren’t allergic to peanuts.

Here is an amazing recipe with nutritious ingredients that you should definitely try: Super-Delicious ALMOND BUTTER BREAKFAST MUFFINS.

Here’s another breakfast favorite with some helpful preparation tips:

2. Blueberries

Fresh or frozen, these tiny superfruits pack a big antioxidant punch. Or better yet, a flurry of punches: Studies suggest that eating blueberries regularly can help improve everything from memory and motor skills to blood pressure and metabolism. (Wild blueberries, in particular, have one of the highest concentrations of the powerful antioxidants known as anthocyanins.)

Blueberries are also lower in calories than a lot of other fruits (they contain just 80 per cup), so you can pile them onto your cereal without worrying about your waistline.

Here is a popular “blueberry” breakfast recipe (+ “how-to” video) with nutritious ingredients that you can make in less than 6 minutes: Quick Mug “Pancakes” with Blueberries.

Continue on to the next page to see another favorite healthy breakfast food

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