
Useful Tips for Pre-Prepping BREAKFAST SMOOTHIES

Here are some useful tips for collecting and preparing the DRY ingredients for your favorite smoothies in advance and storing them in the freezer. Then, when you’re ready to eat a smoothies, just take the dry ingredients out of the freezer and finish preparing in the blender as described below!

Tip 1:

You can prepare these smoothies in freezer bags, however I prefer using jars, since they are re-usable. Jars require more space in your freezer to store, and acquire frost faster, so it’s best to only prepare the jars 2 or so weeks ahead of consuming them.

Tip 2:

To prepare your smoothie packs or smoothie jars, place the fruit chunks at the bottom, followed by add-ins. Extracts, flax, chia seeds, spices etc are all totally fine to add in! Top the jars with any greens, then seal with the jar lids.

Tip 3:

Make sure that the fruit you are adding to the jars is already frozen, as it may become difficult to get them out of the jars if they are added fresh or at room temperature.

To finish preparing your smoothie from a frozen jar:

Dump all ingredients out of the jar into the blender. You may need to use a spoon to loosen out the ingredients. Add the almond milk (or coconut water as indicated) to the jar, put the lid on and give it a good shake, then dump it into the blender. This helps get anything left in the jar out.

Blend away, then add the smoothie back into your jar and enjoy!

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Source: Denise Bustard

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