
The Facts: How BANANAS Can Seriously Affect Your Health!

Bananas are touted as being a healthy super-food, but it’s good to know if eating too many could actually be detrimental to your health and well-being. More bananas are consumed in North America than any other “fruit” … more than apples and oranges combined!

Bananas are understandably a popular on-the-go snack for all ages since they’re delicious, satisfying, easy to peel and easy to eat. And, of course, you also find them in hundreds of “healthy” recipes. So is there anything wrong with eating bunches of bananas every day?

Here are some facts you should know about eating a lot of Bananas:

Bananas are one of the best fruits you can be eating, and the list of great things they do for your body seems to go on forever!

But you may want to consider the color of a banana’s peel and it’s ripeness before consuming:

Too green?

The fruit inside will be tough and lacking flavor.

Too brown?

The riper a banana is, the richer it is in TNF, or Tumor Necrosis Factor. TNF is a protein that helps detect and eliminate abnormal cell growth in the human body. Essentially, it aids our immune system response by directing cells to the parts of our bodies experiencing inflammation or infection. While bananas are certainly not a cure for cancer, the TNF they contain has been confirmed to inhibit tumor growth, in addition to helping our immune systems in other ways.

Here are more ways that bananas can affect your health and well-being:

1. Heartburn

Bananas are a natural antacid and the perfect solution for those suffering from heartburn or acid reflux. Skip the Tums and enjoy some fruit instead!

2. Blood Pressure

Bananas are great for your heart. They’re low in sodium, high in potassium, and even higher in taste. Incorporating heart-healthy foods into your daily routine is a great way to protect against heart attacks.

3. Energy

Packed with vitamins and minerals to give you a boost, bananas are the ideal pre- and post-workout snack. Their potassium also combats pesky muscle cramps.

4. Anemia

Anemia refers to a condition in which someone experiences low levels of red blood cells. The iron in bananas increases the production of red blood cells.

Bottom Line

Bananas are a super-fruit and eating lots of them are good for you. Add them to the food that you already love!

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Source: Jake Brannon

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