
Does Your Microwave Destroy the Nutrients in Food?

Yes, microwaves can be seen as harmful radiation that can be dangerous and deadly to living organisms. Does that mean that your microwave oven is destroying the nutrients in your food? Are you paying a high price for the convenience of quickly heating and cooking your food in a microwave oven? Is using the microwave actually harmful to your health because it’s “killing” your food?

The truth:

Microwave ovens are actually designed in a way that doesn’t allow the radiation to escape.

Studies also show that they are even better at preserving nutrients than cooking methods like boiling and frying.

Some people don’t want to use microwaves, and that’s fine. But there is no evidence that they cause harm, and no scientifically valid argument to avoid them.

Bottom Line: There are no published studies showing microwave ovens to be harmful. Many studies show that they are effective at preserving nutrients compared to other cooking methods.

Source: Kris Gunnars

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