
Baked Oatmeal with Strawberries (Video)

Make this extra easy Baked Oatmeal recipe in the morning for breakfast … or if you’re short on time, prepare it the night before and bake in the morning. The ingredients we show in the video with fresh strawberries, bananas and rich chocolate is a popular favorite, but feel free to add your own preferences such as nuts, raisins or cranberries and substitute blueberries, blackberries or other fruit for the strawberries and banana.

If you decide to mix all of the ingredients for this baked oatmeal recipe the night before cooking and then bake in the morning, place bananas on the bottom of the dish and not on top of the oats since they may brown slightly over night.

You can also freeze the oatmeal mixture in a resealable plastic bags and keep it for up to one month. Then, when you want to bake the oatmeal, just remove from freezer, thaw and bake as directed. If you decide to do this, we suggest that you mix the fruit into the oatmeal instead of placing on top (to prevent browning).

This baked oatmeal recipe is easily adapted for dairy-free and egg-free diets. While we call for one egg in the recipe, we have had success removing the egg completely. Another easy substitution is replacing soy, almond or even coconut milk for the milk called for in the original recipe.

To reduce calories or level of sweetness, eliminate chocolate from the recipe all together.

If you wish to reduce the amount of sugar you could just eliminate the sugar all together, or replace the sugar with honey or agave nectar.

More ideas:

replace the milk with soy milk, remove the egg, reduce sugar a little, or change up the fruit, nuts and chocolate to something you love.

This recipe serves 6 and assumes that you have the following equipment in your kitchen:

a 10-1/2 by 7-inch or 8-inch by 8-inch baking dish,

a baking sheet,

a chef’s knife,

2 large bowls,

a whisk.

The ingredients for this recipe are listed on the next page:

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56 thoughts on “Baked Oatmeal with Strawberries (Video)

    1. I would like to see the recipes with calories count and serving size sure would be great thank you for sharing your recipes

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