
Awesome COFFEE JELLY for Coffee Lovers

Here are a couple of things to keep in mind when you’re making this delicious Coffee Jelly:

It is always a good idea to check what the Sure Jell box has to say, because that may affect how your jelly sets. Also, use the exact amount of sugar, because Sure Jell is designed to work with a specific range of sugar.

The outcome will differ with different types of coffee and how the coffee is brewed, because using a French Press or metal filters will leave oils and particles, while using a paper filter would lose some of the more subtle flavors of coffee. I would suggest just using common auto drip brewer, just because it’s the cleanest brewing method.

A failed batch can be thickened and then re-canned by brewing an extra strong double batch of coffee and chilling it. You can whisk 1/2 cup of Clear Jel (not instant) or another canning starch into half of the cooled coffee, then whisk THAT into the batch of jelly in the pan. Place over high heat and stir constantly to bring to a boil. The Clear Jel should thicken it to spreadable consistency. If it is still not ‘gelled’, you can repeat with a one-tablespoon-to-one-tablespoon addition of Clear Jel to cold coffee, returning to a boil, until it reaches desired consistency. This will thicken it without adversely affecting the flavor. This can then be canned.

Continue reading on the next page for more important tips …

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