
Here are 3 Sleep-Inducing Foods to Sleep Longer and Wake Up Later in the Morning, or …

Would you like to wake up early with more energy in the morning? Or do you want to sleep longer and wake up later in the morning? Learn about these 3 popular foods and how they may affect your energy level and inclination to sleep longer.

Does the day start dragging in the afternoon and you just want to crash? If you’ve been eating one of these sleep-inducing foods, then consider changing your diet to you want to modify your energy level and change your sleeping habits!

1. A Poor Salad for Lunch

A salad could just mean a helping of iceberg lettuce, some shaved carrots and Ranch dressing. And loading your bowl with veggies and skimping on protein and carbs means you’re not getting enough calories to power you through the rest of your day.

Your dressing of choice could be adding to the problem. “You might think you’re doing the right thing by eating a salad, but if you add a dressing like honey mustard or raspberry vinaigrette, both of which are usually high in added sugar, that’ll probably lead to an energy crash later,” says Marisa Moore, RD, spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Do you regularly consume dairy products? This is another category of foods that is often sleep-inducing:

2. Cheese and Yogurt

Dairy could be behind your fatigue. You may have digested it just fine when you were younger, but intolerances to the proteins in dairy (casein and whey) can develop as we age, and tiredness is a hallmark symptom.

The mechanism isn’t entirely clear, but it’s believed that the body mistakenly develops an immunological reaction to the proteins, building an army of antibodies to mobilize against the proteins whenever they show up, resulting in fatigue.

And then there’s a third category of sleep-inducing foods on the next page …

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